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Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs is most similar to organizations such as :
Servicing and Maintenance of Plant Machinery 2025 - 2029
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
This contract will be for the Repair and Maintenance to Plant and Machinery. The Contract will be divided into 6 Lots linked to council areas within Northern Ireland. There will be no restrictions on the number of Lots a Tender can bid for or be awar ....
The Provision of the Transportation and Care of Seized Farmed Animals, and Dispo ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
ID 5343015 DAERA Veterinary Service Animal Health Group – The Provision of the Transportation and Care of Seized Farmed Animals, and Disposal of Animal By-Product from Seized Animals
Supply and Delivery of 17 x Pallet Trucks for 4 Seaports
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
DAERA require the supply and delivery of 17 x Pallet Trucks to various locations within Northern Ireland. This requirement will be spilt across 2 lots - Lot 1 – New 12 x 2 Tonne Electric Pallet Truck Lot 2 – New 5 x 2.3-2.5 Tonne Pallet T ....
Supply of Official Veterinarian Services
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
DAERA is seeking to establish a contract for the supply of Official Veterinarian (OV) services to deliver official controls and official activities in various locations throughout Northern Ireland. The OVs will be considered as the Supplier’s k ....
Supply and Delivery of 16 x Electric Forklift for 3 Seaports
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
DAERA require the supply and delivery of 16 x Electronic Forklift Trucks to various locations within Northern Ireland. This requirement will be spilt across 4 lots - Lot 1 – New 6 x 2 Tonne Electric Forklift. Lot 2 – New 5 x 3 tonne elect ....
Forest Service - Repair and Maintenance of Road Vehicles
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
Forest Service intends to establish a multi-supplier Framework where call-off contractual arrangements will be awarded in order to support its in-house maintenance operations. The Framework is designed to provide Forest Service with a facility to hav ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
The Buyer requires seven Multiparameter Sondes for the high-resolution monitoring of the main Lough Neagh inflow and outflow rivers as part of a larger commissioned E and I project. The Supplier must also deliver the equipment prior to 31st March 202 ....
Lough Neagh Inflowing River Investigations Monitoring Kit
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) is an executive Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA). The Water Management Unit (WMU) of the NIEA. The Freshwater Monitoring and Assessment (FMA) Group is requir ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) published its Lough Neagh Action Plan in July 2024 and is planning to undertake a programme of high-resolution water quality sampling and analysis in Lough Neagh and its tributaries ....
Livestock Genetics and Data Branch, Bovine Genetics Programme
Buyer : Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs
DAERA (the Buyer) is seeking to establish a contract with a Supplier to provide genetic and genomic evaluations, benchmarking services, and associated customer support services for the Northern Ireland Bovine Genetics Programme. The main objectives o ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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