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Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust is most similar to organizations such as :
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Supply, Implement and support of a single sign on solution across the Trust, ensuring seamless working across the group of hospitals. full integration with all clinical systems and admin software.
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Supply and implementation of PLICS solution for Northamptonshire ICS, including Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.
Digital Capability Support for Elective Recovery
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
The University Hospitals of Northamptonshire (UHN) which include Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (the contracting authority) and Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust, operating on behalf of the Northamptonshire ICS need access to sh ....
Digital Capability Innovation Support
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Provision of Digital Capability Resources for the Northamptonshire ICS Elective Recovery Programme
Feasability Study Rockingham Wing
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Direct Award against SBS Consult 18 Multi Disciplinary Consultancy Framework Lot 1 Rockingham Wing at Kettering General Hospital houses the Women's services aspect of the Family Health Division (obstetrics, gynaecology & neonatology) The building, al ....
Feasability & Design for HIP 2 Enabling Works
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Continuation of works on SOC - Feasibility & Design for HIP 2 Enabling Works to take the enabling works in the SOC to the next level. Review with each of the Trusts teams, mainly the Estates team but including IT to discuss and decide what effect the ....
Planning Performance Agreement Hospital Redevelopment Master Planning Project
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Planning Performance Agreement will cover the arrangements and coordination of masterplanning advice between the Council and the Trust in order to draft the masterplan, engage with relevant stakeholders and communities and to ultimately publish it as ....
Master Planner and Production of SOC
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Mini Competition SBS Framework Ref: SBS/17/NH/PZR/9256 Construction Consultancy Services 2 Lot 12 (Multi-Disciplinary team and Ancillary Services) For:- Project manager led Ancillary Services for the development and approval of an SOC and site Master ....
Submission for OBC Development for the Phase 1 Redevelopment
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
Direct Award for continuity of previous works and urgency against SBS Framework Construction Consultancy Services 2 Lot 12 (Multi-Disciplinary team and Ancillary Services) The Scope is to develop an OBC price and RIBA stage 2 design for Phase 1 of th ....
Buyer : Kettering General Hospital Nhs Trust
HIP 2 Project PMO Support to include:- PMO Level Governance Programme Governance Resource Planning Reporting & Assurance Direct Award against CCS RM6008 MFC framework
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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