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Explore Exclusive Ireland Tenders

Unlock a wealth of public sector tenders across Ireland with TenderBase. Our platform ensures you seamlessly access the best opportunities, helping you secure profitable contracts effortlessly.

Ireland's public sector is ripe with opportunities ranging from infrastructure projects to IT services. TenderBase UK streamlines your access to these tenders, preparing you to bid with confidence and success.

Latest Ireland Contracts

refresh Reset
Deadline :  01 Nov 2025
Published on :  12 Oct 2022
Tender Id :  1210220525
Type :  Contract Notice (eTenders)
Buyer :  Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Deadline :   01 Nov 2025
Published on :  18 Oct 2022
Tender Id :  1810220270
Type :  Contract Notice (eTenders)
Buyer :  Image Skillnet
Deadline :   30 Nov 2024
Published on :  19 Oct 2022
Tender Id :  1910220271
Type :  Contract Notice (eTenders)
Buyer :  Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Deadline :   19 Oct 2028
Published on :  20 Oct 2022
Tender Id :  2010220285
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  Electricity Supply Board ( ESB )
Deadline :   12 Dec 2025
Deadline :  05 Oct 2024
Published on :  05 Jul 2024
Tender Id :  0507240027
Type :  PreProcurement
Buyer :  st marys university
Deadline :   05 Oct 2024
Deadline :  01 Apr 2032
Published on :  05 Jul 2024
Tender Id :  0507240042
Type :  Pipeline
Buyer :  lincolnshire county council
Deadline :   01 Apr 2032
Deadline :  05 Oct 2024
Published on :  05 Jul 2024
Tender Id :  0507240111
Type :  PreProcurement
Buyer :  west suffolk nhs foundation trust
Deadline :   05 Oct 2024
GLA Helicopter Services
Competing Bidders
Deadline :  17 May 2025
Published on :  22 Feb 2024
Tender Id :  2202240024
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  northern lighthouse board
Deadline :   17 May 2025
Deadline :  31 Dec 2024
Published on :  01 Sep 2021
Tender Id :  0109210247
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Deadline :   31 Dec 2024
Published on :  08 Sep 2021
Tender Id :  0809210385
Type :  Qualification system - utilities - Call for competition (TED (v209))
Buyer :  Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Deadline :   22 Sep 2024

Maximize Your Tender Success

Leverage TenderBase UK's advanced features, including real-time alerts and detailed market insights. Stay ahead of the competition by accessing tailored opportunities that match your business capabilities and goals.

Navigating Public Sector Tenders before Others

From the basics of how public sector tendering works to the vast array of goods and services procured, our guide makes navigating these waters straightforward and successful. Whether it's office supplies or major construction contracts, the public sector in Northern Ireland offers diverse opportunities for your business.

Streamline Your Search for England Tenders

Effortless Navigation and Access. Our user-friendly interface allows for quick and easy access to tenders across various sectors including highways, homes, and natural resources. Whether you're looking for "Highways England tenders" or "Natural England contracts," our platform caters to all your tendering needs.

Get Key Insights on Northern Ireland Banknotes

Apprehend the unique considerations when tendering with Northern Ireland banknotes. Our platform offers crucial insights into the regulatory standards and procedures, ensuring your bids are informed and compliant.