Latest Wales Tenders in the UK

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Published on :  03 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  0307230094
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  doncaster council
Deadline :   30 Aug 2030
Published on :  10 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  1007230053
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  l&q construction
Deadline :   11 Jul 2027
Published on :  10 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  1007230066
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  l&q construction
Deadline :   11 Jul 2027
Published on :  10 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  1007230072
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  l&q construction
Deadline :   11 Jul 2027
Published on :  10 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  1007230096
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  l&q construction
Deadline :   11 Jul 2027
Published on :  10 Jul 2023
Tender Id :  1007230124
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  l&q construction
Deadline :   11 Jul 2027
Deadline :  02 Jan 2031
Published on :  03 Jan 2024
Tender Id :  0301240080
Type :  F02: Contract notice
Buyer :  NHS Supply Chain
Deadline :   02 Jan 2031
Deadline :  30 Aug 2030
Published on :  20 Apr 2021
Tender Id :  2004210426
Type :  F21: Social and other specific services – public contracts (Contract notice)
Buyer :  Caerphilly County Borough Council
Deadline :   30 Aug 2030
Published on :  19 Aug 2021
Tender Id :  1908210344
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  London and Quadrant Housing Trust
Deadline :   18 Aug 2031
Deadline :  31 Jul 2027
Published on :  15 Jun 2023
Tender Id :  1506230058
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  Sheffield City Council
Deadline :   31 Jul 2027
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