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Hospitality/Catering Service for 2 Marsham Street
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
To provide Hospitality/Catering Service for 2 Marsham Street to supplier Bouygues E & S Solutions Ltd as part of the MOTO (memorandum of terms of occupancy) for 2 Marsham Street, London. Bouygues own the PFI (Private finance initiative) for the premi ....
Reprographics Service for 2 Marsham Street
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Bouygues hold the PFI licence for the Home Office building (2 Marsham Street) and are the sole provider of services including reprographics. Reprographics - Bouygues hold the PFI licence for 2 Marsham Street and are the sole provider of this service ....
2 Marsham Street Adaptations for Blended Working
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Professional architectural, quantity surveying, and project management services to undertake a RIBA stage 1 options appraisal exercise to support Defra in their development of smart working practices. The high level aim is to reduce the desk numbers ....
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