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AEB Subcontracting Arrangements
Buyer : Inspire Education Group
Responses to this ITT will be used to assist in a supplier to deliver high quaity AEB qualifications
Responses to this ITT will be used to assist in a supplier to deliver high quaity AEB qualifications Includes Lots: Lot 1: Employability Lot 2: ESOL, English Functional Skills and IT Gateway To access this competition: Registered: Login to https://su ....
1.3Northampton College is inviting providers to tender to deliver full qualifications at a variety of levels. Partnership tenders should complement our subcontracting policy, with the aim of adding strategic value to existing college provision and en ....
Chelmsford College - AEB Subcontracting Tender
Buyer : chelmsford college
Chelmsford College is tendering to Subcontract £143,000 of Non Devolved Adult Education Budget funding. Further details can be found at
Buyer : derby college
Derby College Group are tendering to subcontract AEB delivery to one or more delivery partners, for the 2023/24 academic year. A total contract value of £1,300,000. A minimum bid/contract value of £200,000. All delivery must be to adults over the a ....
Northampton College - AEB Subcontracting
Buyer : Northampton College
The College has a recent history of engagement with subcontractors to deliver Adult Education Budget (AEB) outcomes and wishes to continue to issue a flexible contract or contracts of a total funding value up to £750,000 (£600,000 earned value) fro ....
North Hertfordshire College - AEB Subcontracting (non-devolved)
Buyer : North Hertfordshire College
The College has a recent history of engagement with subcontractors to deliver Adult Education Budget (AEB) outcomes and wishes to continue to issue a flexible contract or contracts of a total funding value up to £1,000,000, from 1 August 2022 to 31 ....
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