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Scottish Outdoor Access Code Awareness Monitoring
Buyer : Scottish Natural Heritage
NatureScot (the operating name of Scottish Natural Heritage) wishes to appoint a market research contractor to undertake annual monitoring of recall and understanding of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC, or ‘the Code’) among adults in Scotl ....
Soft Market Testing - BIM System (Access Code to Delta e-sourcing)
Buyer : one vision housing
One Vision Housing would like to understand what the market has to offer in relation to BIM software services to understand One Visions Housing's Asset Portfolio to meet our needs and providing the business with value for money. Through this soft mar ....
Soft Market Testing - BIM System (Access Code to Delta e-sourcing)
Buyer : One Vision Housing
One Vision Housing would like to understand what the market has to offer in relation to BIM software services to understand One Visions Housing’s Asset Portfolio to meet our needs and providing the business with value for money. Through this soft m ....
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