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Provision of Temporary Accommodation Services
Buyer : South Holland District Council
The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) is a collaboration between three councils: Boston Borough Council, East Lindsey District Council, and South Holland District Council. It is the largest council partnership in the UK, serving ....
Singles Temporary Accommodation Services
Buyer : Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council is looking for a suitable Supplier to deliver accommodation-based housing related support services across the geographical area of Leicester City for single & childless couple homeless households. The Supplier will provide ....
Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Services: Second Stage Accommodation
Buyer : Leicester City Council
The domestic abuse BME second stage safe accommodation must be sole purpose with appropriately trained and experienced staff. This service must provide a minimum nine units of self-contained single sex second stage domestic abuse safe accommodation i ....
London Borough of Hounslow is re-procuring the Children & Young People Accommodation services. The service is divided into 3 Schemes (Scheme A, B & C). Please read the Service Specifications for detailed about each schemes.
Provision of Short Term Supported Accommodation Services for People with Complex ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The Complex Needs Housing Contract aims to provide opportunities for behaviour change, health improvements and to deliver positive outcomes for individuals with Complex Needs, families and communities. The Authority is working in partnership with Pre ....
The intent to award a contract to deliver a range of supported accommodation services for people with mental health issues. (Brigid House, Octavia House, Alexander House, East Grange Drive and Oakwood Hall). The services will continue to provide acco ....
Milton Keynes City Council - Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Supp ....
Buyer : Milton Keynes City Council
The council has a statutory duty to support vulnerable young people, within a safe environment, to develop the skills and resilience necessary to live independently and make a successful transition to adult life. The services are specifically require ....
Neath Port Talbot Young Persons Accommodation Services Market Engagement Event
Buyer : Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Following on from a successful Commissioning Workshop in February, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council is holding a second Market Engagement Event for existing and potential new Service Providers supporting Children and Young People aged 16 - 24 ....
Accommodation Services 16-24yr olds Cardiff Council
Buyer : Cardiff Council
Cardiff Children's Services in partnership with Cardiff Housing and the Supporting People Team are looking to hold a consultation session with providers regarding their on-going Sourcing Strategy for Accommodation Provision for 16-24 year olds.Curren ....
Temporary Accommodation Services
Buyer : The City of Edinburgh Council
The council required suitably sized temporary accommodation for short-term lets for adults at risk of homelessness.
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