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Adult Safeguarding Training - AWARD
Buyer : suffolk county council workforce development
Delivery of a suite of Adult Safeguarding training, to include the following three training topics with the availability to deliver the following quantities of training per annum: 1. Adult Safeguarding: New starters and 2-year renewal - up to 12 x ½ ....
Adult Safeguarding, Health and Social Care Training
Buyer : london borough of merton
Adult Safeguarding, Health and Social Care Training
The Provision of Training - Decision Making in Adult Safeguarding
Buyer : hampshire county council
A mandatory course for all Senior Social Workers and above to promote a consistent approach to Safeguarding and Section 42 Decision Making across the department. The course will reference key legislation and best practice that enables practitioners t ....
Personalised Adult Safeguarding Enquires - AWARD
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Personalised Adult Safeguarding Enquires As part of our learning and development strategy to support employees in our Adult Social Care settings we require a provider who will tender to facilitate training around personalised adult safeguarding enqui ....
CP1903-20 — Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training Courses
Buyer : Devon County Council
The Care Act (2014) puts adult safeguarding on a legal footing and requires each local authority to set up a safeguarding adults board with core membership from the local authority, the police and the NHS (specifically local Clinical Commissioning Gr ....
CP1903-20 - Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training Courses
Buyer : Devon County Council
Lot 1a and b: Adults Safeguarding training (DCC) & (DSAP), Lot 1a: Adults safeguarding (DCC), - Level 2 - Responding to Safeguarding Concerns. This course will support staff to be competent in roles equivalent to those described within Level 2 of the ....
KMCAS-145 Adult Safeguarding Training to Support Practitioners
Buyer : Kirklees Council
Safeguarding courses for Adult Services
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
Adult Safeguarding is a statutory function which has been commissioned out by the North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on behalf of the Authority to focus CIC. Access to adult social care including safeguarding is through a sing ....
STSAB Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Training
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
STSAB Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Training
Managing Risk and Positive Risk Taking (in the context of Adult Safeguarding) †....
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Sandwell MBC are seeking quotes for Managing Risk and Positive Risk Taking (in the context of Adult Safeguarding) – Level 2 Referrer training. Please see specification attached. Closing date Monday 27th June 2016 at 17:00 hrs
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