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PIN Notice - Fund Advisory Services for Ambition North Wales Clean Energy Fund
Buyer : Ambition North Wales
This PIN is to notify the market of our intention to go out to tender through a formal tender process in late August 2024.Ambition North Wales will be seeking to procure a competent and experienced Fund Advisor(s) for the Third Sector and Private Sec ....
Ambition North Wales Hydrogen Hub
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
What is the purpose of the Prior Information Notice?The purpose of the Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to conduct a soft market testing exercise to gain industry’s views on a number of considerations related to a green hydrogen hub in the North W ....
Fund Advisory Services for Ambition North Wales Clean Energy Fund
Buyer : Ambition North Wales
We are seeking suitably qualified and experienced Fund Advisor Services for our Clean Energy Fund. Our 2025 Clean Energy Fund will aim to support initiatives across North Wales which: - help achieve renewable energy and decarbonisation targets - have ....
Fund Advisory Services for Ambition North Wales Clean Energy Fund
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Ambition North Wales (ANW) is seeking to procure a Fund Advisor for two distinct stages of work. The first stage will involve assisting ANW with preparation for launch and will include input in the following key areas:Market intelligence input into t ....
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