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Application Form to be on the pre-approved list of Pathologist Post Mortem Servi ....
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Her Majesty’s Coroners are involved in the investigation of any death where the cause is suspicious or unknown or falls under certain other specific circumstances. A post mortem examination may be undertaken to determine the cause of death.Norfolk ....
The council are proposing to move to a banded council tax support scheme. Victoria Forms can provide a shortened, smart online CTR application form. This will be integrated into Civica to perform online validation and to automate the process from sta ....
22 06 - The provision of Translation services from English to Irish for Recruitm ....
Buyer : Housing Agency
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the type of Services that may be required: Objectives: • Standard level translations of educational/corporate/human resource related materials to suit a variety of audiences and purposes. This will include ....
PRA 95/2022 - Scanning Service for the digitisation of ROD Application Forms
Buyer : The Property Registration Authority (PRA)
Provision of scanning service for the digitisation of Registry of Deeds (ROD) application forms
Revenues and Benefits Application Form Functionality
Buyer : sandwell metropolitan borough council
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic the Revenues and Benefits Service has been responsible for administering many of the government's schemes and initiatives designed to provide financial support to individuals and businesses. The demand on the ....
Adult Disability Payment Application Form Photography
Buyer : Scottish Government
Call off from Smarter, Wealthier and Fairer – Creative Services contract.
03445 Corporate Design Framework: Duplicate Blue Badge Application Form
Buyer : Newcastle City Council
Duplicate Blue Badge application
Development of secure host and online application form for EDR pilot
Buyer : Department of Energy and Climate Change
Development of secure host and online application for EDR pilot
CCBC UKSPF W23 application form FINAL DRAFT
Buyer : Caerphilly County Borough Council
Caerphilly County Borough Council are looking for project applicants applying for funding from the UKSPF Business Support Project Fund. The expected outputs and outcomes for the fund are:Outputs: - Number of potential entrepreneurs provided assistanc ....
Application Form to be on the pre-approved list of Pathologist Post Mortem Servi ....
Buyer : norfolk county council
Norfolk County Council wish to invite Pathologists to complete an application form to be on the pre-approved list of Pathologist Post Mortem Services on behalf of Her Majesty's Coroner in Norfolk.
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