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Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), working on behalf of the 10 Local Authorities within Greater Manchester, is looking to source a new contract for a Bridge Asset Management System (BAM) that will be used by all parties. As noted above, the pro ....
Notice to reader and disclaimer The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology is seeking to procure an Asset Management System (AMS) to support the Floods and Droughts Research Infrastructure (FDRI) programme. This platform will enhance the management and ....
ESPH CS Asset Management System
Buyer : Wealden District Council
Wealden District Council (the 'Council') are seeking a hosted centralised Asset Management System to hold data regarding the organisations assets and assist with the effective management of Corporate Assets to a suitably qualified and experienced Con ....
Provision of Road Asset Management System
Buyer : Blackpool Council
Blackpool Council is seeking to procure a versatile web based data management system that is capable of handling asset information, not limited to highways asset information. The system will be used to visualise the condition, location and history of ....
HS1 wishes to procure professional sustainability, asset management, and climate change support. We are looking to work closely with a consultancy to enable the management of sustainability risks to be embedded into our asset management processes. Th ....
The council requires an established, proven Property Asset Management IT Solution to support the management of all activities across the Corporate Landlord service; the solution must already be being used successfully by other local authorities in th ....
Fleet and Asset Management System
THIS IS A NOTICE ON BEHALF OF HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT FIRE RESCUE SERVICE (HIWFRS) HIWFRS are seeking to appoint a supplier for the provision of a Fleet and Asset Management software. The contract will be for a maximum of 8 years (4 + 2 + 2) with ....
Supply, Installation and On-Going Maintenance & Support of an Asset Management S ....
Buyer : Caerphilly County Borough Council
Caerphilly County Borough Council are seeking tender bids for the Provision of an Asset Management Solution. The requirement will be split into five (5) Lots as follows: Lot 1 – Property, Corporate Finance and Performance & Policy (current systems ....
Buyer : Northumbria Police
Northumbria Police’s Estates Team manage around 105 properties and do not currently have an asset management system to help capture and manage all elements of the estate, from leasehold and freehold contract information, certification to day-to-day ....
Digital Asset Management System
Buyer : British Tourism Authority t/a VisitBritain/VisitEngland
BTA launched its first in-house DAM system in 2021 as part of the Digital Transformation programme to deliver a new forward looking, digital ecosystem which included the integration with a new single scalable global content management system (CMS). T ....
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