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Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a Pan Government Collaborative Agreement for the provision of Back Office Software to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, includi ....
For information only. This is a direct award under Crown Commercial Services RM6194 for Back Office software - HR and Payroll system licences
Chorley & South Ribble Borough Councils appointed a supplier for the provision of Financial System & Associated Software via Direct Award on CCS's Back Office Software Framework (ref: RM6194), including but not limited to the below deliv ....
Back Office Software - Annual Licence & Annual Licence Support and Maintenan ....
Buyer : North Devon District Council
Back Office Software - Annual Licence & Annual Licence Support and Maintenance - 10 year renewal. D360; CivicaPay (Income Management Licence); Modern.Gov; Civica Financials and Revenues and Benefits.
Hosted Civica payments software renewal via CCS RM6194 for the provision of Back ....
"Provision of core software module. Agreed throughput is 150,000 Transactions per annum. Maintenance and support services for the licensed software. ATP 0300 number with up to 100,000 minutes per annum. Use of following modules: a.ATP b.WebPay S ....
Provision of Back Office Software Via CCS RM6194
Buyer : bromsgrove district council
Provision of Back Office Software Via CCS RM6194
Cloud hosted Legal Case Management System (LCMS) under CCS Framework - Back Offi ....
Buyer : west suffolk council
Contract to re-procure a Legal Case Management System (LCMS) on behalf West Suffolk Council (Procurement Lead ), Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils and Ipswich Borough Council. These are known as the 'Joint Authorities'. The purpose of this pr ....
SC22199 - Enterprise Business Capabilities (Back Office Software Solution)
Buyer : kent county council
Enterprise Business Capabilities (EBC) are a whole organisation view of what KCC does, and can do, to perform its core functions. It describes the essential capabilities KCC needs to operate our day-to-day business, which underpin the daily work and ....
Call Off from Crown Commercial Services Back Office Software Framework (RM6194)
Buyer : Historic Environment Scotland
Renewal of Cloud Services. This procurement was conducted through the direct call off process via the Crown Commercial Services Back Office Software framework agreement (framework reference: RM6194).
Homes England Core Software Solution - CCS RM6194 - Lot 1: Back Office Software
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Homes England Core Software Solution - CCS RM6194 - Lot 1: Back Office Software The programme vision for modernising and replacing some of the existing legacy systems and supporting business process improvements is: To implement a cloud-based solutio ....
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