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Catering Services to Bedfordshire Police
Buyer : Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire
Contracted Provider to deliver catering services at the Bedfordshire Police Headquarters (FHQ) and Luton Police Station to serve the needs of the customer, its staff and its partners.The Provider is expected to provide a range of services as outlined ....
Catering Service for Bedfordshire Police
Buyer : 7 forces commercial services
Contracted Provider to deliver catering services at the Bedfordshire Police Headquarters (FHQ) and Luton Police Station to serve the needs of the customer, its staff and its partners. The Provider is expected to provide a range of services as outline ....
7F-2021-I030 Empower Read Only Licence for Bedfordshire Police
Buyer : Norfolk Constabulary
Renewal of existing Read Only licence for legacy ERP system in Bedfordshire Police. Procured under CSO quote process.
Sexual Violence Support Services (ISVA) for Bedfordshire Police
Buyer : 7 Forces Procurement
The purpose of the sexual violence support service is to primarily provide a high quality county-wide ISVA service. The service will include provision for adults and children. It will also include an ISVA based in the Sexual Assault Referral Centre. ....
Sexual Violence Support Services (ISVA) for Bedfordshire Police
Buyer : 7 Forces Procurement
The purpose of the sexual violence support service is to primarily provide a high quality county-wide ISVA service. The service will include provision for adults and children.It will also include an ISVA based in the Sexual Assault Referral Centre.NH ....
Occupational Health Management System for Bedfordshire Police and Hertfordshire ....
Buyer : BCHA (Bournemouth Churches Housing Association)
BCH have identified a requirement for an occupational health and health and safety system initially to support HR but scalable to support wider business areas in the future. The system will enhance the customer service provision via automation i.e. u ....
Alterations and refurbishment of the Victim Services Office (former FCR) at Bedf ....
Buyer : Hertfordshire Constabulary Headquarters
Alterations and refurbishment - Bedfordshire Headquarters. The evaluation award criteria was based on fully compliant 100% price submission
Quotation for Bedfordshire Police Cyber Unit
Buyer : BCH Procurement (Representing The Police and Crime Commissioners for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, H
Bedfordshire Police Cyber Crime Unit require a Quotation for the purchase of Desktop Computers, Monitors, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, Startech PCI Express 10gb Ethernet Adaptor, Startech PCI Express 10GB Fibre Optic. The Quotation will be evaluated ....
Bedfordshire Police HQ Temporary Custody Unit Hire.
Buyer : Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire
Continued rental of the custody unit at Bedfordshire Police HQ for a further 3 years.
Bedfordshire Police HQ Temporary Custody Unit Hire
Buyer : Bedfordshire Police
We are continuing with the existing hire of a temporary custody unit for a further three years. When this contract was originally awarded it was assumed that a decision to build a new custody unit was imminent and therefore the units would only be re ....
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