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NHS England South West is commissioning specialist counselling services to address health inequalities, specifically for refugees, asylum seekers and Deaf women, and the provision of a 'Befriending' service, for women who have experienced sexual viol ....
NHS England South West - Specialist Counselling to Reduce Health Inequalities an ....
Buyer : NHS England
This notice is placed to set out NHS England South West's (the Commissioner's) intention to follow the Most Suitable Provider Process. NHS England South West is commissioning specialist counselling services to address health inequalities, specificall ....
Stroke Befriending Service 24-25
Buyer : Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Stroke Befriending service will provide both peer and professional support to stroke survivors.
Stroke Befriending Service 24-25
Buyer : Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
The Stroke Befriending service will provide both peer and professional support to stroke survivors. Peer befrienders will be recruited, trained, and supported to meet legal and training standards. Service leads will manage the befriender roster to en ....
NHS England South West - Specialist Counselling to Reduce Health Inequalities an ....
Buyer : NHS England
NHS England South West is commissioning specialist counselling services to address health inequalities, specifically for refugees, asylum seekers and Deaf women, and the provision of a 'Befriending' service, for women who have experienced sexual viol ....
Provision of a Befriending Service for Children and Families
Buyer : South Ayrshire Council
Provision of a Befriending Service for Children and Families
Buyer : London Borough of Merton
To deliver a befriending service for older people who are lonely or socially isolated using volunteer befrienders.
Buyer : london borough of merton
To deliver a befriending service for older people in Merton through the use of volunteers.
Buyer : London Borough of Merton
To deliver a befriending service for older people who are lonely or socially isolated using volunteer befrienders.
WP3920 - Autism Befriending Service - AWARD
Buyer : walsall council e-tendering
The Council wishes to procure a support service for adults with autism spectrum disorder to improve outcomes for people with autism through befriending by: o Promoting personalisation and enhancing quality of life for people with care and support nee ....
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