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Defence Equipment and Support Group (DE&S), part of the UK Ministry of Defence (the Authority), proposes to place a single source contract with Scott Health & Safety Ltd (Scott Safety) who are owned by 3M. This contract will be for the In-Service Sup ....
Provision of a Breathing Apparatus Fire Training Unit (BAFT)
Buyer : Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service are undertaking a redevelopment of their Newtown Training Facility and as a result have a requirement to install a Breathing Apparatus Fire Training Unit (BAFT). The project will provide a BAFT facility whic ....
Swimmers Air Breathing Apparatus (SABA)
Buyer : Unknown
Breathing apparatus for diving. Open Air Breathing Apparatus for diving. Supply and up to six years of support for up to 650 Swimmers Air Breathing Apparatus (SABA), to include all supporting project and safety documentation. Additional support will ....
Provision of Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Testing
Buyer : Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service acting on behalf of themselves and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service are inviting tenders from suppliers interested in providing a service to test and maintain their Breathing Apparatus Cylinders.This requ ....
LAS NARU Breathing Apparatus instructor - WM. Framework used: RM6277 Non-Clinical Staffing, Lot 1 Admin & Clerical. Extensions permitted.
Confined Spaces Breathing Apparatus
Buyer : Home Office
Purchase of breathing apparatus to continue to enter and search high risk confined spaces on commercial vessels and road tankers. OEM purchase for interoperability with current equipment.
Breathing Apparatus Maintenance
Buyer : Home Office
Maintenance of breathing apparatus
GB-Hull: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Buyer : Humberside Fire & Rescue Service
Self-contained breathing apparatus sets, cylinders, integrated communications systems and telemetry capability, with associated training along with support and maintenance services.
Defence Equipment and Support Group (DE&S), part of the UK Ministry of Defence (theAuthority), proposes to place a single source contract with Scott Health & Safety Ltd (ScottSafety) who are owned by 3M. This contract will be for the In-Service Suppo ....
Breathing Apparatus
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