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Bridge Schools Trust ~ Cleaning Tender
Buyer : Bridge Schools Trust
The successful Supplier will be required to provide a comprehensive cleaning service, including daily term time and non-term time periodic cleaning, for 15 Primary Schools within the Bridge Schools Trust.
Redbridge Schools cleaning Tender
Buyer : Educo
Tender for cleaning at 4 schools in local borough of Redbridge
provision of services at two Secondary schools which includes breakfast, lunch, 6th form services and hospitality
Redbridge Schools Catering Tender
Buyer : Tricon Catering Consultancy
two stage Restricted procedure
Tender for cleaning services at three secondary schools.
Redbridge Schools Cleaning Tender
Buyer : Tricon Catering Consultancy
Tender for cleaning services at 4 schools within Redbridge and Barking and Dagenham boroughs.
YPO — 000765 HR Advice/Guidance and Payroll Services for Redbridge Schools.
Buyer : YPO
YPO was looking for a provider to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of HR advice/administration and payroll services to Schools in the London Borough of Redbridge. The Framework is designed to meet the needs of education estab ....
YPO - 000765 HR Advice/Guidance and Payroll Services for Redbridge Schools
Buyer : Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
YPO were looking for providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of HR advice/administration and payroll services to Schools in the London Borough of Redbridge. The Framework is designed to meet the needs of education estab ....
Tender for catering services at Barnet and Redbridge Schools.
Buyer : Tricon Catering Consultancy
Supply of school meals to 5 Barnet Primary Schools and 2 Redbridge Secondary Schools.
Redbridge Schools catering Tender
Buyer : Educo
Provision of school meals to a MAT group of Special schools and two large Primaries
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