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707504452 - Provision of Tetra Licenses for British Forces Gibraltar - CAN
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Contract Award Notice for the Provision of Tetra Licenses to British Forces Gibraltar.
Contract Award Notice - Provision of Air Quality Monitoring for British Forces G ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contract Award Notice for the Award of Contract to Ricardo Energy for the Provision of Air Quality Monitoring Services to British Forces Gibraltar.
708899450 - Provision of Broadband to British Forces Gibraltar - Contract Award ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contract Award Noitce for the Provision of Broadband to British Forces Gibraltar, including a dedicated Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) line between Gibraltar Air Traffic Control and Seville Air Traffic Control. Previous Voluntary Transparency No ....
Contract Award Notice - Supply of Occupational Health Services to British Forces ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contract Award Notice for the Supply of Occupational Health Service to British Forces Gibraltar
Supply of Food to British Forces Gibraltar - Contract Award Notice
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Supply of food to British Forces Gibraltar
Provision of SIM Cards for British Forces Gibraltar - Contract Award Notice
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contact Award Notice. The requirement is for SIM cards, with calls, text and data, for British Forces Gibraltar. A key requirement is for the provider to supply phone numbers with the Gibraltar international dialling code, +350.
Contract Award Notice (for transparency) for the supply of food to British Forces Gibraltar. Contract Award Notice on Find a Tender Service has been published and is linked.
Provision of SIM Cards for British Forces Gibraltar
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
British Forces Gibraltar requires mobile phone SIM cards for calls, text and data.
Provision of Minibuses to British Forces Gibraltar
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Provision of 4 minibuses to British Forces Gibraltar, the Contract included the provision of 3 year warranty and servicing, with the option to purchase an additional 8 vehicles.
Provision of Minibuses to British Forces Gibraltar
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contract Award Notice for the provison of 4 minibuses to British Forces Gibraltar, the contract includes 3 year servicing and warranty.
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