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CHIC is seeking to award, by a competitive tendering process, a 4-year Framework from which our members will award contracts for supply of whole life services for both internal and external building elements to include responsive repairs and void wor ....
Establishing a framework to allow public contracting authorities to appoint professionals who specialise in the built environment. This will replace an existing framework which covered the period 2019-23. The framework will cover the local authority ....
DMNH 029 - Built Environment Consultancy Contract supporting the Built Environme ....
Buyer : Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council may procure services supporting its built environment, including placemaking, highways and transport. Scope: -highways and transport engineering services-placemaking and urban design-net zero and energy transition-planning-asset ma ....
Backing Local Firms: grants to reduce carbon in the built environment
Buyer : Federation of Master Builders
The Welsh Government wants to support local suppliers and assist them to become skilled in areas that will contribute to carbon reduction in the built environment.A competitive grant scheme is being run across Wales covering five separate regions – ....
Built Environment Consultancy Services (BECS)
Buyer : Scape Procure Ltd
Built Environment Information and Training
Buyer : Carmarthenshire County Council
Research to look at Skills Provision in the Built Environment within Wales
Buyer : Construction Skills
To provide a research brief to look at Skills Provision in the Built Environment within Wales. The research must combine quantative and qualitative methods to ascertain and analyse the current skills provision in Wales in order to establish its suita ....
Developing qualifications delivery for the Built Environment under the Sector Pr ....
Buyer : AAW Consulting
To create a network of training providers and pilot delivery of a wide range of new apprenticeships, NVQs and technical qualifications, for which there is no current delivery inWales, with a view to informing and influencing future policy and deliver ....
Support Services for the Development of the Built Environment, Lot 2 Multi-Disci ....
Buyer : Durham County Council
Seaton Lane East Bridge - Assessment. Further competition in relation to Framework Agreement NEPO212 - Support Services for the Development of the Built Environment, Lot 2 Multi-Disciplinary - Highways, Transportation and Civil Engineering
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a mini competition under the RM6126 Research & Insights DPS Brief Description of Requirement The intention of this project is to scope o ....
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