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GB-Burton upon Trent: Bradmore Road Boxing Club Roof Replacement
Buyer : East Staffordshire Borough Council
Roof repair and maintenance work. Roof repair. East Staffordshire Borough Council is inviting tenders for the completion of roof repairs to the Bradmore Road Boxing Club, Burton-on-Trent, DE13 0GH.
GB-Burton upon Trent: TPPL East Staffordshire Borough Council HCC Lot 3 - 1 x 12 ....
Buyer : East Staffordshire Borough Council
1 x 12t Tipper & Crane
GB-Burton Upon Trent: Grounds Maintenance Service Delivery Model Options Apprais ....
Buyer : east staffordshire borough council
East Staffordshire Borough Council is seeking quotations from suitably qualified Applicants to quote for the undertaking of a feasibility study to explore the opportunities for an alternative delivery mechanism for the Council's outsourced Grounds Ma ....
Homes England - Development Monitoring - Tutbury Road South - Burton upon Trent
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
RG+P Limited to provide Homes England with Compliance Inspector services throughout the delivery of the residential development at Tutbury Road South, Burton upon Trent.r r ....
Delivery Partner Panel 3 - Midlands Lot. Tutbury Road, Burton upon Trent
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Homes England is seeking a development partner for the 11.89 hectare first phase of its land at Tutbury Road, Burton upon Trent. The appointed development partner will be responsible for the delivery of:r r •Up to 300 homes as part of an outline co ....
GB-Burton upon Trent: 2021-01-Shobnall Sports Pitch (Resurface)
Buyer : east staffordshire borough council
East Staffordshire Borough Council is seeking suitably qualified and experienced applicants to bid for the contract to carry out the resurfacing of its artificial sports pitch located at Shobnall Leisure Complex, as detailed fully in the procurement ....
Refurbishment of Ground Floor, Belvedere Centre at Queen's Hospital, Burton upon ....
Buyer : University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust’s requirement is to refurbish the current ground floor area at the Belvedere Centre into office accommodation to accept the Occupational Therapy team which is being re located to the ground floor area within the building., The refurbishme ....
Homes England - Property Professional Services Framework - Tutbury Road - Burton ....
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Homes England is seeking to deliver a 500 residential unit, older persons care facility, local centre and all the associated infrastructure including green space across this 20.47ha (14.14ha net) site on Tutbury Road, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire ....
GB-Burton upon Trent: 2020-01-Gazetteer
Buyer : East Staffordshire Borough Council
Award of contract for Local Land and Property System through the CCS Framework Agreement RM1557.11.
Homes England - Multidisciplinary - Tutbury Road - Burton Upon Trent
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Planning and multi diss services for the site at Tutbury Road, Burton upon Trent
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