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Leicestershire and Rutland C-Card Scheme
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
The C-Card service will deliver across Leicestershire and Rutland to young people over the age of 13 years up to 25. The C-card sites will offer relationships advice, free condoms, sign posting to other services and some sites will offer pregnancy te ....
BCU-ITT-55630 - Provision of C-Card Scheme in North Wales for ages 13-25
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
The provision of a C-Card scheme for young people in North Wales from 13 years of age and up to their 25th birthday.The c-card scheme provider will:Review the location, performance, pathways and training of current c-card centre provisionWor ....
Leicestershire and Rutland C-Card Scheme
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
The C-Card service will deliver across Leicestershire and Rutland to young people over the age of 13 years up to 25. The C-card sites will offer relationships advice, free condoms, sign posting to other services and some sites will offer pregnancy te ....
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