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CHC Domiciliary Care Specialist Support - West Essex CCG
Buyer : attain
This notice is to notify the market of the award of a contract to Evalucom Consulting to put in place an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) Framework for CHC Domiciliary Care. The CHC Domiciliary Care market represents nearly 50% of all commissioned care p ....
Pan-London CHC Domiciliary Care AQP - Phase 4
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) seek applications for the provision of domiciliary care services. Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care Any Qualified Provider (AQP) list which is used by the contracting CCGs to make con ....
Pan-London NHS CHC Domiciliary Care AQP and Phase 3
Buyer : NHS Sutton CCG
London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioners seek applications for the provision of NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care services. The Any Qualified Provider (AQP) process covers service users eligible for NHS continuing healthcare m ....
NHS CHC domiciliary care AQP phase 2
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
Phase 2 of the pan-London NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care AQP is open for applications until 10 June 2016 at Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care AQP list which is used by NHS ....
NHS CHC domiciliary care AQP phase 1
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
Phase 1 of the pan-London NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care AQP will be open for applications between 13 July and 21 August 2015 at Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care AQP list which is used by NHS ....
NHS England - CHC Domiciliary Care
Buyer : nhs arden and greater east midlands commissioning support unit
NHS Arden & GEM (AGEM) CSU are on behalf of NHS England and Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) seeking an experienced provider to deliver a 24/7 Care Package of support in the Community for an ....
Pan-London CHC Domiciliary Care AQP — Phase 4
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) seek applications for the provision of domiciliary care services.Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care Any Qualified Provider (AQP) list which is used by the contracting CCGs to make cont ....
Pan-London CHC Domiciliary Care AQP - phase 4
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) seek applications for the provision of domiciliary care services. Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care Any Qualified Provider (AQP) list which is used by the contracting CCGs to make con ....
Pan-London CHC Domiciliary Care AQP - phase 4
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) seek applications for the provision of domiciliary care services. Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care Any Qualified Provider (AQP) list which is used by the contracting CCGs to make con ....
Pan-London CHC Domiciliary Care AQP - phase 4
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) seek applications for the provision of domiciliary care services. Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care Any Qualified Provider (AQP) list which is used by the contracting CCGs to make con ....
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