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Community Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in the East of England, covering different areas over 10 Lots.The postcodes are divided into Lots, each Lot will represent one or more post codes. Within each Lot, more than one contracts may be aw ....
Community Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in North-West England, covering different areas over 10 Lots.The postcodes are divided into Lots, each Lot will represent one or more post codes. Within each Lot, more than one contracts may be awa ....
Community Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in London, covering different areas over 1 Lots.The postcodes are divided into Lots, each Lot will represent one or more post codes. Within each Lot, more than one contracts may be awarded dependin ....
Community Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in the North-East and Yorkshire, covering different areas over 28 Lots.The postcodes are divided into Lots, each Lot will represent one or more post codes. Within each Lot, more than one contracts ....
Community Pharmacy EOI Process, COVID-19 vaccination programme Wave 2
Buyer : NHS England
NHS England wants to establish through a market engagement exercise what capacity there is within the published postcode areas for pharmacy contractors to deliver Covid 19 vaccinations.For those pharmacies who wish to express an interest we request t ....
NHS England wants to establish through a market engagement exercise what capacity there is within the published postcode areas for pharmacy contractors to deliver Covid 19 vaccinations. For those pharmacies who wish to express an interest we request ....
Combined Safety Syringes and Needles for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in the Waltham Forest, North-East London.The number of vaccines to be delivered will be determined by patient choice where suppliers will be paid £7.54 per vaccine given.
Intention to award the contract to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust to deliever the Community Covid 19 Vaccinations Fixed Sites services in London.The number of vaccines to be delivered will be determined by patient choice where supp ....
NHS England South West (the Commissioner) were seeking to commission a Provider(s) who have the capability and capacity to deliver Community COVID-19 vaccination services at additional fixed sites across the South West. The Commissioner identified th ....
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