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Issuing a prompt and professional call for evidence TO enable ORR to demonstrably engage with the public on an issue of public concern.
Notice of Contract Award - Curriculum and General Qualifications: Call for Evide ....
Buyer : Department for Education
The government announced the launch of a Review of the Curriculum and Assessment. This will include undertaking a review of the existing national curriculum and statutory assessment system, including qualification pathways, and through this seek to c ....
Analysis of the call for evidence on the use of reasonable force and restrictive ....
Buyer : department for education
Contract to analyse the Department for Education's call for evidence on the use of reasonable force and restrictive practices in schools in England through fair and open competition.
Buyer : department for education
Contract to deliver analysis work and related reports
GB-Bristol: Evaluation of the Working in partnership to improve international st ....
Buyer : office for students
Evaluation of the Working in partnership to improve international student integration and experience Call for Evidence
Analysis of responses for Defra's Consultation on proposals to ban commonly ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Defra is responsible for improving and protecting the environment. Defra aims to grow a green economy and sustain thriving rural communities. Defra also support the UK's world-leading food, farming and fishing industries. For further information plea ....
Analysis of Health Education England's Call for Evidence
Buyer : hee
Analysis of findings from Health Education England's Call for Evidence, Deliberative Events and other information gathering activities, including subject-specific working groups
Defra Contract for Analysis of responses to partnership funding and flood insura ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Contract Award for Analysis of responses to partnership funding and flood insurance call for evidence
PS21115 - Analysis of Responses to the Call for Evidence for Biomass Strategy fo ....
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION*** This Requirement was awarded following a Mini Competition Exercise under CCS RM3824 Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets DPS. UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK ....
Analysis of Health Education England's Call for Evidence
Buyer : health education england
Mini Competition SBS/17/SG/ZMC/9266 - Lot One Analysis of findings from Health Education England's Call for Evidence, Deliberative Events and other information gathering activities, including subject-specific working groups.
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