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The London Fire Commissioner intends to refurbish the windows Deptford Fire Station, a Grade II listed property. The works comprise all the building works required to refurbish and decorate all the timber windows and doors (internally and externally) ....
Carpentry & Joinery - Carpentry and joinery miscellaneous (20% VAT)
Buyer : london fire brigade
The London Fire Commissioner intends to refurbish the windows Kensington Fire Station, a Grade II listed property This opportunity has been distributed on
Carpentry & Joinery - Security & controlled door entry works (20% VAT)
Buyer : royal botanical gardens, kew
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew are tendering for the provision of the planned preventative maintenance and repairs to automatic and manual doors and shutter systems across the RBG Kew properties at Kew, London and Wakehurst Place in Sussex. The contract w ....
Carpentry & Joinery - Security & controlled door entry works (20% VAT)
Buyer : london borough of haringey
Provision of new security glazed screen with controlled access to main entrance of the School. This opportunity has been distributed on
Carpentry & Joinery Workshop - Carpentry & Joinery Workshop Upgrade
Buyer : Munster Technological University
Carpentry & Joinery Workshop Upgrade as per attached tender documents
Apprentice Levy (L2 Carpentry & Joinery)
Buyer : .east riding of yorkshire council
Delivery of L2 Carpentry & Joinery apprenticeship standard to up to 3 staff
Carpentry & Joinery L2 & Advanced Carpentry & Joinery Level 3
Buyer : london borough of hackney
Apprenticeship Training
CJEQ2019 - Equipment for LIT Built Environment Carpentry & Joinery Apprenticeshi ....
Buyer : Limerick Institute of Technology
The Faculty of ASET (Applied Science, Engineering & Technology) at Limerick Institute of Technology has identified a need for machinery items which will be utilised in providing Carpentry & Joinery Apprenticeship trade programmes.The equipment that i ....
Carpentry & Joinery Materials - The Supply and Delivery of Carpentry/Joinery Mat ....
Buyer : Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board
LWETB wish to award a contract to supplier(s) for the Supply and Delivery of Carpentry/Joinery Materials & Equipment. The framework agreement will be for two (2) years, with the option to extend for further periods of one (1) year, subject to a maxim ....
Architectural Services for developing Carpentry & Joinery Apprenticeship Accommo ....
Buyer : Cavan and Monaghan Education & Training Board
Architectural services (including buying in of additional services for other disciplines as required) required to develop teaching accommodation in existing buildings at the FET Campus, Cavan. The services will include stages 1 to 5 of design and del ....
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