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Contract for the provision of a Time & Attendance System for the Charities Regul ....
Buyer : Charities Regulator
The Contracting Authority is seeking tenders from competent services providers to provide a time & attendance system. The contract will initially be for 3 years with the option to extend for a maximum period of 9 years.
PROJ000007641 - RFT for Print and Design for Charities Regulator
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The purpose of this request is to establish the types of Digital Platform soluti ....
Buyer : Charities Regulator
The Charities Regulator intends to conduct a procurement competition for the supply of a digital platform for the registration and reporting requirements of charities, to include an online portal for charities, a publicly available register, a case m ....
Contract for the provision of a board management software solution for the Chari ....
Buyer : Charities Regulator
The Charities Regulator is seeking a secure externally hosted cloud-based board management software solution to support its Corporate Affairs Business Unit in the provision of secretarial services to its Authority and Committees.
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