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Technical Services to assist with the Coal Authority's Research and Development ....
Buyer : Coal Authority
The Coal Authority is devising a trial programme to develop mine water treatment technologies to become the recognised world leader in this field. It is anticipated that there will be 8 trials of varying complexities to be carried out over initially ....
Buyer : The Coal Authority
Following the publication of accelerating the release of public sector land by the Department for Communities and Local Government, public bodies have been encouraged to sell surplus land and property. In accordance with government recommendations th ....
The Supply and Delivery of Chemical Reagents to the Coal Authority's UK Minewate ....
Buyer : The Coal Authority
The Coal Authority is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Minewater Treatment Schemes throughout the United Kingdom. This Contract is for the supply and delivery of chemical reagents to pumped minewater treatment schemes with active wate ....
Buyer : The Coal Authority
We are exploring options to inform a future tender to identify sites where hydropower will improve whole life cost and carbon footprint of our sites. We would like to invite interested suppliers to meet with us at our Mansfield office on Friday 12 Ja ....
Technical Services to assist with The Coal Authority's Research and Development ....
Buyer : Coal Authority
The Coal Authority is devising a trial programme to develop mine water treatment technologies to become the recognised world leader in this field. It is anticipated that there will be 8 trials of varying complexities to be carried out over initially ....
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