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Carriageway and Footway Works at various locations
Thorney Close Primary School - Construction Works
Buyer : City Of Sunderland
Construction of a new primary school with external car parks, access roads and hard & soft landscaping. The new school, on the former Sunningdale School site, is a mix of single storey and two storey elements, tucked between the existing car park ....
Align requires a subcontractor to carryout the Leather Lane FRC Construction Works.
Construction works to split Ground Floor west into 2 units and lower ground, ground floor east into 2 separate units including mezzanine on GF Further to this requirement is a requirement for a consultant to develop the initial proposal into a tender ....
School construction works
School Construction works
School construction works - St Marks West Essex Catholic School
School construction works - Riverside Primary School
Bessborough:Design and Construction of 8 independent supported housing units and associated landscaping and car parking on Bessborough Road, Roehampton. Farnborough:Demolition of all existing structures and erection of three, residential blocks (five ....
Bessborough:Design and Construction of 8 independent supported housing units and associated landscaping and car parking on Bessborough Road, Roehampton. Farnborough:Demolition of all existing structures and erection of three, residential blocks (five ....
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