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This notice is to inform the market of NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board's intention to award this contract following a direct award process C to its incumbent supplier, Bupa Care Homes, to continue to deliver Continuing Healthca ....
Continuing healthcare services (including continuing care for children). This service is to supply assessment support services across CHC and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards service areas. This includes reviews of patients, assessments of patients ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services - Hertfordshire
Buyer : NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board
This notice is to inform the market of NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board's intention to award this contract following a direct award process C to its incumbent supplier, Bupa Care Homes, to continue to deliver Continuing Healthca ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services in Devon
Continuing healthcare services (including continuing care for children). This service is to supply assessment support services across CHC and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards service areas. This includes reviews of patients, assessments of patients ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services - Hertfordshire
Buyer : NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board
This notice is to inform the market that a contract has been awarded to its incumbent supplier, Bupa, to continue to deliver Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services within Hertfordshire.On 7th March 2023, the Authority published a Voluntary Ex-Ante Tran ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services - Hertfordshire
Buyer : attain
This notice is to inform the market that a contract has been awarded to its incumbent supplier, Bupa, to continue to deliver Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services within Hertfordshire. On 7th March 2023, the Authority published a Voluntary Ex-Ante Tra ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services - Hertfordshire
Buyer : Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board
This is a Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency Notice and is intended to provide notice of the Contracting Authority's intention to award a contract for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Services to its incumbent provider.This is a short-term contract award. It ....
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