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St.Columbas Comprehensive School - St. Columbas Comprehensive School, Glenties, ....
The scope of works required as part of the SEAI & DoES Schools Energy Pathfinder programme 2021-2022 at St.Columba`s Comprehensive School, Glenties, Co.Donegal will comprise of the following items:Supply & install of a prefabricated containerised bio ....
St.Columbas Comprehensive School - St. Columbas Comprehensive School, Glenties, ....
Architectural Works•Dryline basement ceiling to insulate floors to ground floor accommodation.•Repositioning of external windows to suit new external windows.•New external doors (as selected)•New external windows (2no.)•100-120mm external i ....
FNR001 - Supply, Installation and Commissioning of an Energy Efficient Heating S ....
Buyer : Forbairt Na Rosann Teoranta
Forbairt Na Rosann are seeking quotations for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of an Energy Efficient Heating System at Ionad Teampaill Chróine, Dungloe, County Donegal. Bidders are requested to make suitable allowances for the following a ....
Design, supply and installation of a fully supported Wi-Fi network of 75 outdoor ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
The WiFi4EU initiative is a support scheme for the provision of free Wi-Fi access in indoor or outdoor public spaces (e.g. public administrations premises, health centres, public parks and squares). This will bring communities more closely into the D ....
AnGT2324(r) - Request for Tender for Architect-Led, Integrated Design Team Servi ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Donegal County Council has published this tender on behalf of ''AN GRIANÁN THEATRE MANAGEMENT COMPANY CLG having their address at Port Road Letterkenny, County Donegal‐ F92 RV1F - An Grianan Theatre Management Company CLG' is the Project Owner and ....
DCC_MY_2023_002 - Demolition and reconstruction of concrete platform and ground ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
The existing vehicle servicing garage consist of six working bays, with three of the bays equipped with inspection pits accessed via an external ramp to a raised reinforced concrete platform area. This project consists of works to demolish the raised ....
RFT230639-AnGT2023 - Request for Tender for Architect-Led, Integrated Design Tea ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Provision of Architect Led full Integrated Design Team (AIDT) services including the main service provider with the internal and external specialists in a single all-in package incorporating all required design, technical and management services in o ....
To Deliver an evidence based Socio Economic Analysis of County Donegal
Buyer : Donegal County Council
The Community Development Division within the Directorate of Community Development & Planning Services of Donegal County Council wish to appoint suitably qualified and experienced professional services to engage in a single stage process to prepare a ....
Donegal County Council - Refurbishment of 5 Water Pump Stations at Group Water S ....
Buyer : Donegal County Council
Donegal County Council is seeking to upgrade infrastructure at existing Group Water Schemes in the County to comply with the European Drinking Water Directive, bring them up to Irish Water standards and to provide secure and compliant water supply. T ....
01072022 - The Supply of Classroom Equipment for St Catherine's Vocational Schoo ....
Buyer : Donegal Education and Training Board
The Supply of Classroom Equipment for St Catherine's Vocational School, Killybegs , County Donegal
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