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Maintenance and Testing of Decontamination Equipment including Integrated Indepe ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
19600 - DPSQ For Decontamination Equipment and Water Treatment Systems.
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS will be co-ordinated and manag ....
Responder Decontamination Equipment
Buyer : merseyside fire & rescue service
Responder Decontamination Equipment
MAINT6014-RFL- Decontamination Equipment To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA11896. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA11896 as the ....
Aseptic Workstation with integrated Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) decontaminati ....
Buyer : University of Sheffield
The University of Sheffield (UoS) is establishing a new 'Gene Therapy Innovation Manufacturing Centre' (GTIMC) to advance scientific discoveries into life-changing treatments for patients with life threatening diseases. The Sheffield GTIMC will be on ....
CA11216 - Testing & Preventative Maintenance of Decontamination Equipment
Buyer : agh solutions ltd
The purpose of the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is for the purchase of minor building works including asbestos, building and construction, groundworks, joinery and carpentry, automated doors, fire safety, electrical, floor coverings, glazing, mech ....
Decontamination Equipment Maintenance
Buyer : dorset county hospital nhs foundation trust
Decontamination Equipment Maintenance contract for 3 years with OEM supplier.
Inspection, Testing and Servicing of Decontamination Equipment - Cardiff and Val ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership Procurement department on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board wish to inform the market of their intention to award an interim three month (with option to extend for another 3 months) contract for t ....
3 Months Fully Comprehensive Service and Validation Contract Plus Weekly Water T ....
Buyer : st helens & knowsley teaching hospitals nhs trust
3 months fully comprehensive service and validation contract plus weekly water testing for Whiston and St Helens Hospitals decontamination equipment, fc4, fd8,
Inspection, Testing and Servicing of Decontamination Equipment Cardiff and Vale ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership Procurement department on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board wish to inform the market of their intention to award an interim three month contract for the Inspection, Testing and Servicing of their ....
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