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Provision of Street Sweeping and Disposal Services
Buyer : Norse Commercial Services Ltd
This tender will be to appoint a single service provider to provide a service and facility capable of collecting, handling, treatment, recycling and disposal of street sweepings. Collection of waste will be from authorised transfer stations located a ....
Provision of commercial waste transfer and disposal services
Buyer : Southampton City Council
SCC requires the provision of commercial waste transfer and disposal services to allow SCC to deliver all collected Commercial Waste into suitable locations that will provide maximum efficiencies to the Council’s commercial waste fleet in regar ....
Lot 2 is for the provision of skips and bins and the collection and disposal of trade waste from Market Walk shopping centre and Chorley Markets. The waste will be collected from 3 separate service yards at the Market Walk site in Chorley town centre ....
To cover for potential service disruption at the Council’s Energy from Waste plant the Council are seeking a suitably licensed and experienced contractor to collect and incinerate waste on behalf of Wolverhampton City Council. The Successful co ....
The contract is for the supply of a range of skips and waste disposal services to meet the requirements of all departments of Derbyshire County Council (DCC). DCC require this contract to be open to all DCC owned properties or properties on which DCC ....
This Procurement will establish a single Supplier Contract for the disposal and treatment of organic waste (co-mingled food and green waste). The Services are described in detail within Appendix B, Statement of Requirements (Specification). The contr ....
Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal Services at Annual Household Hazardous W ....
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council will be looking to establish a contract for the provision of seven Household Hazardous Waste Days (HHWD). A Household Hazardous Waste Day (HHWD) takes place over a dedicated weekend where an area of the Recycling Centre is desi ....
This Procurement will establish a single Supplier Contract for the disposal and treatment of organic waste (co-mingled food and green waste). The Services are described in detail within Appendix B, Statement of Requirements (Specification). The contr ....
Buyer : Department of Finance
***PRE-MARKET ENGAGEMENT EXERCISE*** The Department of Finance is currently preparing to initiate a procurement process to establish a Contract with a Supplier(s) to provide Disposal Services for IT Equipment, Electronic and Electrical Equipment for ....
Provision of non-hazardous and hazardous waste disposal services for Dungeness A
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