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This is a Prior Information Notice for the supply and configuration of a software platform, where UKAEA will hold, review, and publish procedural documentation at corporate and divisional levels. The objective is to improve the User experience, by st ....
This is a Prior Information Notice for the supply and configuration of a software platform, where UKAEA will hold, review, and publish procedural documentation at corporate and divisional levels. The objective is to improve the User experience, by st ....
Buyer : Minesto UK Ltd.
A document management system, including requirements capture, installation, configuration, maintenance and training.Minesto currently has about 25 employees divided over our three sites: Göteborg (Western Sweden), Portaferry (Northern Ireland), and ....
C-185/2009/10 Delivery of Electronic Records and Document Management System (ERD ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) are seeking an organisation to provide both classroom and computer based training in the use of an Electronic Records & Document Management System to all WAG staff between May 2010 and April 2012. This will be ....
Housing and Document Management Systems
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
This application is a document management software tool that is integrated to the current housing solution. It enables electronic copies of documents produced by the housing system and also scanned documents to be filed under an individual housing cl ....
Docman7 Document Management System Support
Buyer : Business Services Organisation
GP Practices in Northern Ireland have a document management requirement to process inbound documents from Hospitals relating to a patient sent mostly by Electronic Document Transfer (EDT) but also include paper documents to be scanned. It is essentia ....
Document Management System and E-Disclosure Services - The Andrew Malkinson Inq
Buyer : Crown Commercial Service
Requirement for a a document management solution to assist and support the Inquiry in its evidence management and e-disclosure responsibilities and requirements. Contract already awarded; published for transparency requirements.
Document Management System for HR System - i-Trent and DLX
Buyer : Companies House
iTrent HR and Payroll solution for employees
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) MediViewer.
Replacement of Corporate Document Management System (DMS)
THIS IS A NOTICE ON BEHALF OR ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL The Authority has awarded a contract for the the provision of a cloud hosted Corporate Electronic Document Management solution, via the NHS SBS SLA reference: RM_031 . The contracts includes an up ....
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