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Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilitie ....
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilitie ....
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabil ....
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Short break and domicillary care services are usually commissioned via the Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilities Framework. Only when the framework providers aren't able to meet the needs of a chil ....
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilitie ....
Buyer : leicestershire county council
Lot 2 Domiciliary Care Domiciliary care is a statutory service that the Council has a duty to provide and it relates to the provision of care and support to children and families in their own home (e.g. personal care, meal preparation, moving and han ....
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilitie ....
Buyer : leicestershire county council
Leicestershire County Council is undertaking a procurement process to identify and appoint a number of service providers to provide a range of disabled children's services as described below. Lot 1: Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) provide opportunities ....
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) and Domiciliary Care for Children with Disabilitie ....
Buyer : Leicestershire County Council
Short Breaks (Play & Leisure) provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their parents and carers, with friends and peers, for positive opportunities. They are intended to promote their positive mental health ....
Domiciliary Care for Children and YP in Bedford Borough
Buyer : Bedford Borough Council
The successful supplier will deliver Community Enabling Support Services to enable the child/young person to go out and take part in activities in the local community such as leisure, sports, clubs, interest groups, individual activities and access t ....
The Provision Of Domiciliary Care for Children and Young People with a Disabilit ....
Buyer : London Borough Of Bexley
• To provide a short break service in the community, that enhances the well-being of children and young people with a disability and offers parents and carers a break from their caring role. • To provide a safe and exciting environment for childr ....
The Provision Of Domiciliary Care for Children and Young People with a Disabilit ....
Buyer : London Borough Of Bexley
• To provide a short break service in the community, that enhances the well-being of children and young people with a disability and offers parents and carers a break from their caring role.• To provide a safe and exciting environment for childre ....
SCHG00130 Lot 3 Framework Agreement for Domiciliary Care for Children with a dis ....
Framework Agreement for Domiciliary Care for Children with a disability and Children and Young People with a special educational need or disability (SEND) aged 0-18.
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