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UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Including Peer Support RFI
Buyer : Southdown Housing Association (UOK)
RFI For partners
GIS Programme - Regional Supplier Contract – West and East Sussex
Buyer : Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
Speech & language therapy for children in main stream and special schools in East Sussex for a period of 2 days per week for 3 months. This is an emergency contract to address wait lists.
Future Opportunity - Rapid Response Building Works Framework for East Sussex Hea ....
Buyer : nhs commercial solutions
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is potentially seeking two experienced and suitably qualified suppliers to supply it with a means of carrying out repairs, replacement, alteration, and new works to its estate. The Framework will be split in to two lo ....
ESCC - AW — The East Sussex County Council Approved List for Supported Accommo ....
Buyer : Orbis Procurement
The aim of this service is to underpin the strategic priorities of East Sussex County Council’s adult social care and children’s services departments, and local health and housing partners, to provide a flexible, outcomes-focussed on-site housing ....
ESCC - AW — The East Sussex County Council Approved List for Supported Accommo ....
The aim of this service is to underpin the strategic priorities of East Sussex County Council’s adult social care and children’s services departments, and local health and housing partners, to provide a flexible, outcomes-focussed on-site housing ....
ESCC - AW - The East Sussex County Council Approved List for Supported Accommoda ....
Buyer : SE Shared Services
Please note that the contract start date is not 15 August 2025, and call-off contracts can start from 01 September 2020. This error is deliberate as the system does not allow a contract start date prior to the date information can be requested/applic ....
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Passenger Transport for East Suss ....
Buyer : Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Passenger Transport Services for East Sussex County C
DPS to provide passenger transport services to East Sussex County Council (and Surrey County Council, West Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove City Council should they decide to join the DPS). The main requirement is for home to school transp ....
East Sussex Tobacco and Alcohol Behavioural Insights
Buyer : East Sussex County Council
East Sussex Public Health intends to commission a service provider to conduct tobacco and alcohol behavioural insights research with key groups in East Sussex. The deadline to submit your bid is 18/11/2024 at 11:59am. To access the tender documents a ....
NHS Sussex ICB has implemented the national commitment that by 2023/24 autistic people and people with a learning disability up to the age of 25, with the most complex needs, will be allocated a designated keyworker. The service provides a named keyw ....
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