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The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) requires an independent Employee Relations investigation service.
HR & Employee Relations Consultancy Services
HR and Employee Relations consultancy services to support the ICO.
Employee relations case management systems, which allow compliant and auditable recording of all employee relations cases across the Trust, to support their robust and efficient management, including reporting capabilities. The system is used by all ....
Employee Relations Case Management System and Support
Buyer : hampshire county council
THIS IS A NOTICE ON BEHALF OF HAMPPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT FIRE RESCUE SERVICE (HIWFRS). HIWFRS have utilised the Crown Commercial Services G Cloud 13 Framework for the provision of Employee Relations Case Management Software and Support. The contrac ....
PCO260 - Maynooth University Human Resources department has a requirement for th ....
Buyer : Maynooth University
Research, develop and integrate external best practice employee relations approaches and strategies, in a manner that reflects Maynooth University’s culture and values;The provision of expert, comprehensive and relevant employee relations advice an ....
HR case management software for tracking, recording and monitoring employees relations cases and Electronic Expenses Management System
The People Consultancy team at Surrey County Council (SCC) support all employee ....
Buyer : surrey county council
The People Consultancy team at Surrey County Council (SCC) support all employee relations matters, managing approximately 200 cases at any time. Currently using a system on SharePoint to track and manage cases has proven time-consuming and ineffectiv ....
HR Employee Relations Case Management System
Buyer : essex county council
Essex County Council Commercial team are looking for a cloud-based case management system that allows us to track, record and monitor employee relations cases. Turning policies into manageable, visible stages and steps; ensuring procedures are correc ....
HEE - Selenity ER Tracker - HR Employee Relations Case Management System
Buyer : Health Education England
Selenity ER Tracker - G-Cloud 12 Framework Agreement (RM1557.12)
FA1270 Employee Relations Advisory Service.
Buyer : Thames Water Utilities Limited
Thames Water (TW) is looking to award the agreement for provision of employee relations advisory service to TW managers. It is anticipated that the service will incorporate a telephone advice line for all managers as well as on-line platform for case ....
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