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Landlords Enabling Works at Unit 6 Marriotts Walk Witney
Buyer : West Oxfordshire District Council
he works set out in this ITT outline the required Landlord's enabling works, including installation of glazing, internal partitioning, mezzanine floor and M&E services, to be carried out to a vacant retail unit on the Marriotts Walk Highstre ....
ProcurePublic Limited, acting as the framework provider on behalf of Central & Cecil Housing Trust, welcomes bids for Demolition, Site Enabling & Associated Services. This framework is designed for access by all current and future contracting authori ....
The London Borough of Harrow ("the Council") is inviting tenders from potential providers with the relevant experience and technical ability to deliver the demolition of existing structures at Grange Farm Phase 2a in the borough.
Worthing PSDS Heat Network Enabling Works - Pavilion (Package 9)
Project brief/summary: - Draught proofing external doors - Loft insulation under main auditorium roof. - Denton Lounge (Atrium) And Kiosk Loft void insulation (excluding the flat roof areas) - Secondary Glazing - dressing rooms, lobby, kitchen, exclu ....
Worthing PSDS Heat Network Enabling Works - Splashpoint (package 8)
Project brief/summary ·Heating, water, power and earthing connections to District Heating Substation (Substation by others) in basement. ·Heating primary run from basement plantroom to second floor plantroom ·Heating Modifications in s ....
ProcurePublic announces the forthcoming release of a framework for Demolition and Site Enabling Works. This framework aims to succeed the current version 'Demolition Services'. It will be accessible to all public sector bodies as listed by the latest ....
Adur and Worthing Heat Network Enabling works - Decarb and M&E
The opportunity will be in up to 2 lots comprising of: 4a: Project brief/summary ·Loft insulation to the town hall roof ·Heating Modifications in plantroom to allow for connection of District Heating System. ·Domestic Hot Water Service ....
Adur and Worthing Heat Network Enabling Works - M&E
Project brief/summary: ·PV panels to localised areas of the pitched and flat roofs. ·Heating Modifications in plantroom to allow for connection of District Heating System. ·Domestic Hot Water Service cylinder to be replaced with a plat ....
Adur and Worthing Heat Network Enabling Works - Connaught Theatre & Studio P ....
Project brief/summary ·Loft insulation to the Connaught Studio roof. ·PV panels to localised areas of the Studio and theatre roofs. ·Heating Modifications in plantroom to allow for future connection of District Heating System. ·In ....
Site to be made 'shovel ready' for construction works, which will involve the demolition of the existing infrastructure on the site and backfilling the site with crushed aggregates to provide levels and natural drainage. There is the construction of ....
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