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CBC-1212-FC-30-TS Wrestlingworth - Reconfiguration of internal layout to existin ....
Buyer : central bedfordshire council
Wrestlingworth - Reconfiguration of internal layout to existing school building - Lot 1 Please READ/follow the information and guidance supplied below and within the Tender documents, this will help with your tender submission. ➢ Word count limits ....
St.Ciaran's Community School - Roof and ceiling upgrade works to existing school ....
Buyer : St.Ciaran’s Community School (Kells)
Roof and ceiling upgrade works to existing school building and all ancillary works
Emergency Works - Emergency Works to Install Disabled WC, Automatic Entrance Acc ....
Upgrade of existing school building including installation of new automatic sliding entrance doors. Instillation of new platform lift. Upgrade of existing gym store to accommodate disability WC. Replacement of existing gym store with steel shed and a ....
Boston NS - Extension to existing school @Bostion
Buyer : Boston National School
Provision of a Single classroom extension, SET room & universal toilet as detailed on drawings, specifications, maps and tender documents at Boston National School, Boston, Tubber, Co. Clare
Access project to existing school at Coláiste Muire, Carheen, Tourmakeady, Co. ....
Buyer : Coláiste Muire (Tourmakeady)
Access and provision for special needs project to existing school at Coláiste Muire, Carheen, Tourmakeady, Co. Mayo
Extension to Mount St. Michael - Extension to Existing School & Fire Safety Upgr ....
Buyer : Mount St. Michael Secondary School (Claremorris)
The works will consist of an extension to the existing secondary school building to comprise of 3 No. General Classrooms, Home Economics Room, Toilets, Formal Entrance Lobbby & Reception and Principal’s Office. The works will also consist of the de ....
Scoil Mhuire nGrast, Belgooly Na - Works Contract for existing school
Buyer : Scoil Mhuire na nGrast (Belgooly NS)
Proposed.Classroom & SET Room extension & alterations within the existing School building
Buyer : Scoil Mhichil Naofa (Annyalla NS)
Proposed single storey extension to the side of existing single storey building comprising of 1 No. Classroom and 1 No. Resource room together with all associated site development works.
Construction of a stand-alone block of 3 Classrooms and internal alterations to ....
Buyer : Burrow National School
Three Classroom Stand-alone Building, removal of existing stand alone Prefabricated Classroom Building and Internal Alterations associated with adapting Existing Toilets into an Accessible Toilet and Associated Site Works.
Millbrook Combined School - Resurfacing and Repaving existing School Drive
Buyer : Buckinghamshire Council
Resurfacing and Repaving existing School Drive
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