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Rolle Building - Fourth Floor Refurbishment
Rolle Building - Fourth Floor Refurbishment.
1035 - Office Refurbishment to Third and Fourth Floor of Lincoln House, Lincoln ....
Buyer : Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
The work comprises refrubishment of two floor levels (3rd and 4th) including removing and replacing existing partitions, doors and finishes and adjustments to existing mechanical and electrical works. The project will be carried out whilst the Client ....
Removal of Asbestos Contained Materials to Third and Fourth Floors of the Old To ....
Buyer : Blackburn with Darwen
The works will comprise of the license removal and safe disposal of asbestos contained materials to third and fourth floors of the Old Town Hall, Blackburn. The majority of asbestos contained materials are to the floor tiles and bitumen adhesive, the ....
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