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Cleaning and Full time & Relief Caretaking
Buyer : London Borough of Bromley
The purpose of this procurement exercise is to procure a Service Provider that will be responsible for Cleaning and Caretaking in respect of a specific, but not exhaustive, list of Council operational buildings.
The City of Liverpool College - Marketing & Communications Services, Fully Integ ....
Buyer : The City of Liverpool College
The City of Liverpool College are going out to tender for a one year contract (with the option to extend for one extra year) for the Marketing & Communications Services, Fully Integrated Marketing, PR & Public Services. This was originally published ....
The Growth Company Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Full Service Market ....
Buyer : The Growth Company
The Growth Company (GC) is seeking to appoint a Full Service Marketing services provider. The successful supplier will support GM Business Growth Hub as well as other parts of the GC Group Companies. This Contract is being commissioned by the Growth ....
Hire of Fully Managed All-inclusive Vehicles for Diabetic Eye Screening
Buyer : Public Health Wales
Continuation of service to support DESW service to reduce backlog of delayed participants and provide an equitable and accessible service by locating mobile units in areas were the programme are not able to secure a suitable clinic venue.
Birmingham City University is looking for a full service strategic planning and media buying agency. Working with the university to plan, manage and report on all strategic marketing campaigns across a range of channels and platforms such as TV, VoD, ....
Birmingham City University is looking for a full service strategic planning and media buying agency. Working with the university to plan, manage and report on all strategic marketing campaigns across a range of channels and platforms such as TV, VoD, ....
Strategic Planning and Media Buying - Full Agency Service
Buyer : Birmingham City University
Birmingham City University is looking for a full service strategic planning and media buying agency. Working with the university to plan, manage and report on all strategic marketing campaigns across a range of channels and platforms such as TV, VoD, ....
Pre-Market Engagement for Fully Managed Service for Mobile Breast Screening Trai ....
Buyer : Business Services Organisation, Procurement and Logistics Service
This is a prior information notice to seek engagement with the market place to understand the market structure and ascertain how suppliers can assist in the Fully Managed Service for Mobile Breast Screening Trailers to public bodies within Health and ....
ICT - Fully hosted infrastructure solution - Soft Market Testing
Buyer : Osprey Housing
ICT - Fully hosted infrastructure solution - Soft Market Testing
Fully Managed Student Laundry Services
Buyer : Cardiff University
Cardiff University are looking for one supplier to provide modern, cashless laundries, at all designated sites, 365 days a year with no capital outlay or cost to the University (except those costs that arise from the utilities/services
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