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Aspire Housing (The Authority) has appointed Kinect Energy UK Ltd (trading as World Kinect Energy Services) as Agent to establish and manage a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of the supply of electricity, gas and water. In additio ....
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued to those who have expressed intention to tender (“the Tenderers”) to Origin Housing Ltd to enter into a framework agreement (the Agreement) under which Public Sector organisation or bodies governed by pub ....
Aspire Housing (The Authority) has appointed Kinect Energy UK Ltd (trading as World Kinect Energy Services) as Agent to establish and manage a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of the supply of electricity, gas and water. In additio ....
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued to those who have expressed intention to tender ("the Tenderers") to Origin Housing Ltd to enter into a framework agreement (the Agreement) under which Public Sector organisation or bodies governed by public ....
Framework Award Award of positions on Framework to two (2) Brokerages for the supply of services related to gas, electricity and water supply brokerage services.
HMPPS Channings Wood-Gas & Water Main Replacement-BPRN No.521/17/4212 - Construc ....
Buyer : ministry of justice
HMPPS Channings Wood-Gas & Water Main Replacement- BPRN No.521/17/4212 - Constructor.
Buckingham School - Gas & Water Mains Replacement
Buyer : Buckinghamshire County Council
Gas & Water Mains Replacement
Origin Housing Ltd Electricity, Gas & Water Procurement Framework
Buyer : Origin Housing Ltd
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued to those who have expressed intention to tender (“the Tenderers”) to Origin Housing Ltd to enter into a framework agreement (the Agreement) under which Public Sector organisation or bodies governed by pub ....
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued to those who have expressed intention to tender ("the Tenderers") to Origin Housing Ltd to enter into a framework agreement (the Agreement) under which Public Sector organisation or bodies governed by public ....
This Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued to those who have expressed intention to tender (“the Tenderers”) to Origin Housing Ltd to enter into a framework agreement (the Agreement) under which Public Sector organisation or bodies governed by pub ....
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