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DSE Managed Services and H&S Equioment
Buyer : OFCOM
Ofcom has a requirement for the implementation and management of an outsourced Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and workstation assessment process that meets our obligations under Equality and Health & Safety legislation. Scope of Work The service prov ....
ISO 45001 auditing for OH&S Management System
Buyer : Welsh Government
Welsh Government are certified to ISO 45001 international health and safety standard. We require a United Kingdom Accredited Service (UKAS) certified third party to conduct continuous surveillance assessments and recertification audits and look for p ....
Buyer : ClwydAlyn Housing
ClwydAlyn are seeking to procure consultancy services for construction design and management and health and safety. The services will be provided on our planned replacement programmes of kitchens, bathrooms, windows & doors and electrical heaters. Th ....
PAN3150 - Provision of H&S, Plant and Machinery Training
Buyer : Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council wishes to appoint Supplier(s) who have the necessary skills, expertise and proven experience to deliver plant and machinery competence based courses and refresher training. This covers assessment of all the key elements in the ....
Pre Construction H&S Consultant
Buyer : britten pears arts
Pre-Construction Health & Safety Consultant services for workstreams CH1, CH2, CH3, BP1, FLD1, FLD2, HR1, HR2, HR3, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AD1, AD2 all as described in the Invitation to Tender. To include Principal Designer role also.
Perfect Circle - Grange Methodist Church New Build Development PM, QS and H&S Ad ....
Buyer : north northamptonshire council
Project Management, Quantity Surveying and H&S Advisory services for a new build housing project at the former Grange Methodist Church site, Stamford Road, Kettering
Salvation Army Housing Association has recently gone through some organisational change which has highlighted the need to strengthen the management and monitoring of Health and Safety to its employees, stakeholders and residents. Due to the geographi ....
PS24095 - Dentons Legal Advice for H&S and EDI
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
Award notice for the supply of Legal Advice for H&S and EDI for UKRI- EPSRC ***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a one quote exercise.
H&S Incident Reporting Audit Action Tracking Software
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