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Provision of Deliver Major Habitat Restoration Works
Buyer : City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation (the City) invites Tenders for the provision of deliver major habitat restoration works from June 2025. This will be a two-year contract (for tree felling, tree surgery, scrub removal works, stump grinding. The duration ....
Dorset Mire Habitat Restoration
Buyer : Forestry England (for and on behalf of the Forestry Commission)
Forestry England are looking to deliver mire habitat restoration across five sites in Dorset from August 2024 to February 2025.
Forestry England have an upcoming tender requirement for a Framework for Habitat Restoration in the New Forest. The requirements under the Framework will include removal of trees and scrub via the use of chainsaws, brush cutters and flails to enable ....
Habitat Restoration in the New Forest
Buyer : Forestry England for and on behalf of the Forestry Commission
Forestry England will be placing a framework agreement for habitat restoration in the New Forest, South England Forest District. Full details of our requirements can be found in the tender specification document.
Habitat Restoration in the New Forest
Buyer : Forestry England for and on behalf of the Forestry Commission
Forestry England will be placing a framework agreement for habitat restoration in the New Forest, South England Forest District. Full details of our requirements can be found in the tender specification document.
Major Habitat Restoration - Epping Forest
Buyer : The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London
This tender has been awarded for major habitat restoration works, from 1st August 2024. This will be a three-year contract for tree felling, tree surgery, scrub removal works, stump grinding.This tender was split into two lots.
Renaturing Wild Saltholme - Interceptor installation and habitat restoration ana ....
Buyer : natural england
Investigating ecohydrology and exploring opportunities for habitat restoration v ....
Buyer : natural england
It is proposed to investigate the hydrological characteristics of the west Surrey Hills AONB, improve understanding of peat in the landscape, and to identify priority areas for heathland and peatland restoration. The objectives are: 1) carry out a hi ....
*Award*Clegir Mawr Landfill Mosaic Habitat Restoration Project
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
***Award Notice***Works to increase the biodiversity of the capped landfill site at Clegir Mawr. By managing the site for wildflower and pollinator diversity, whilst also increasing carbon capture and contributing to the replacement of Ash die-back a ....
383 Adur River Intertidal Habitat Restoration
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
The Adur River Test & Trial will build blended finance models for two parcels of land owned by Adur District Council by the Adur river in West Sussex (Pad Farm and New Salts Farm), creating demonstrator projects as a practical way to encourage landow ....
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