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Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust as the Contracting Authority on behalf of NHS Commercial Solutions, in collaboration with North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative, NHS London Procurement Partnership, East of England NHS Collabora ....
NHS Wales Healthcare Professionals (non medical) Education Services
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership – Procurement Services (as hosted by Velindre University NHS T
Employment and Health Discussion Pilot training for Healthcare Professionals
Buyer : Department for Work and Pensions
Please provide a detailed description of the notice you are adding: The Authority is developing a service known as the Employment and Health Discussion ("EHD programme"), and the Vocational Rehabilitation Association ("VRA") is su ....
UOW928 - Healthcare Uniforms for Trainee Healthcare Professionals - AWARD
Buyer : university of worcester
Using the ESPO Framework 144-23 for Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing, Including Workwear, Schoolwear and Body Armour LOT 3 Healthcare Workwear, the University of Worcester is seeking to appoint an approved supplier for the Provision of Unifor ....
Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals Uniform
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
The manufacture and provision of Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals uniforms for Authorities delivering Healthcare in Wales. The procurement of a national uniform has been adopted to promote a coherent corporate image, making it easier for pat ....
NHS Commercial Solutions, in collaboration with its NHS Workforce Alliance partners, procured through an open procedure, a framework agreement for a panel of suitably experienced and qualified suppliers of International Healthcare Professional Recrui ....
International Recruitment of Clinical Healthcare Professionals
Buyer : NHS Highland
International recruitment of permanent staff for clinical healthcare provision
Support for refugee healthcare professionals
Buyer : health education england
Support for refugee healthcare professionals
RM6162 International Recruitment of Clinical Healthcare Professionals, Single St ....
Buyer : county durham and darlington nhs foundation trust
CDD Services on behalf of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust have placed a direct award via the Crown Commercial Services framework RM6162 International Recruitment of Clinical Healthcare Professionals, Single Staff Group Sourcing: Oth ....
Indemnity and Insurance Survey for Healthcare Professionals
Buyer : dhsc
This procurement was conducted via a call for competition utilising the Research & Insights DPS - RM6126 Contract value exc. VAT = £156,612.50 Contract for the delivery of a survey of regulated healthcare professionals in the UK who purchase indemni ....
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