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Highways Repair and Maintenance Works Based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Mater ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The authority is seeking to establish a framework agreement with the successful tenderer(s).Tenderers are expected to supply the service to any location within the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council.Details of lots:Lot 1 – General ....
LPS CAS - Highways Repair & Maintenance works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant a ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The Authority is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement (Framework) with the successful Tenderer(s). Tenderers are expected to supply the service to any location within the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council. Details of Lots: Lo ....
OCE - Highways Repairs & Maintenance works based on Dayworks - RFQ 6857281
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
Highways Repairs & Maintenance works based on Dayworks for General Civil works/Deep Drainage/Confined Spaces/Structures
Highways Repairs and Maintenance Works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Mate ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
Highways Repairs and Maintenance Works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Material) rates.
GB-Colchester: Unadopted Highways Repairs
Buyer : Colchester Borough Council
Colchester Borough Council requires a suitably qualified contractor to undertake significant hard landscaping repairs to the un-adopted highway within the Colchester Borough. Repairs required will be identified following an inspection in accordance C ....
5340-14 — Purchase of 1 Highways Repair Vehicle — Spray Velocity Patcher.
This tender was for the supply of 1 Highway Repair Vehicle — Spray Injection Velocity Patcher as per the specification contained in the tender documentation.
CA9768 - Highways Repair Works - The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Buyer : shropshire healthcare procurement service
Highways Repair Works - The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA9768. Not registered: Visit then regis ....
Highways Repair and Maintenance works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Mater ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The authority is seeking to establish a framework agreement with the successful tenderer(s).Tenderers are expected to supply the service to any location within the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council.Details of lots:Lot 1: General Ci ....
Highways Repair and Maintenance works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Mater ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
The authority is seeking to establish a framework agreement with the successful tenderer(s). Tenderers are expected to supply the service to any location within the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council. Details of lots: Lot 1: General ....
PME3327 - Highways Repair and Maintenance
Buyer : Walsall Council e-Tendering
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council (WMBC) wishes to explore options for the provision of highway maintenance and repairs, including winter service. Procurement will commence over the following months leading to an anticipated start date for the new ....
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