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Homes England - Housing Affordability, Housing Supply and Productivity
Buyer : Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
This project will build on the work currently being undertaken to research relationship between housing supply and economic productivity at a local level. The project will involve the use of econometric modelling to attempt to identify the relationsh ....
Air Quality Monitoring Site Housing Supply Contract - Lot 1
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Air Quality Monitoring Site Housing Supply Contract
Air Quality Housing sites for monitoring equipment
Buyer : capitalesourcing
WCC Housing Supply Review - reviewing the revised delivery plans of the Council's housing-led regeneration programme considering the new administration's ambition to deliver more truly affordable housing.
ID 4779419 - DfC - Housing Supply - Landlord Helpline Service
Buyer : Department for Communities
The contract is to provide a helpline service offering free, confidential, impartial advice and information to registered landlords and potential landlords on compliance issues and good practice relating to private renting in NI. The advice line will ....
Air Quality Monitoring Site Housing Supply Contract
Buyer : ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Defra Network eTendering Portal)
The Authority manages and maintains national air quality monitoring networks in order to meet these requirements under EU and UK legislation. The air quality monitors are located around the UK within the Zones and Agglomerations and are housed in sta ....
The Authority manages and maintains national air quality monitoring networks in order to meet these requirements under EU and UK legislation. The air quality monitors are located around the UK within the Zones and Agglomerations and are housed in sta ....
Air Quality Monitoring Site Housing Supply Contract
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
The Authority manages and maintains national air quality monitoring networks to meet the requirements of EU and UK legislation. The air quality monitors are located around the UK within the Zones and Agglomerations and are housed in standalone enclos ....
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