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Integrated Camden Alcohol Service (short term contract)
Buyer : london borough of camden council
A contract for twelve months has been awarded to the incumbent provider Change Grow Live (CGL) for the following reasons. The Authority has four substance misuse contracts which includes the Integrated Camden Alcohol service. The intention was to rec ....
Integrated Camden Alcohol Service
Buyer : London Borough of Camden Council
This Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency Notice is to provide notice of The Authority's intention to award a short term contract to its incumbent provider to deliver the Integrated Camden Alcohol Service in Camden. The contract will have a term of 12 mont ....
Integrated Camden Alcohol Service (ICAS).
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
Specialist community alcohol treatment services for adults who are affected by their own or someone else's substance misuse and their families. The service will help to reduce alcohol related harm to families and children. Alcohol services provide cl ....
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