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Internal Painting of Communal Blocks
Notice of awarded contract following a mini competition
Longlevens Library internal painting
Buyer : gloucestershire county council
Complete internal redecoration of Longlevens Library in the specified colours. Works completed in phases around the building to avoid the need for closures to public services.
T0422 - Needles Internal Painting
Buyer : trinity house
Needles Internal Lighthouse Painting
T0422 - Needles Internal Painting
Buyer : Trinity House
Needles Internal Lighthouse Painting
T0422 - Needles Internal Painting
Buyer : Trinity House
Needles Internal Lighthouse Painting
Shirley Court, Torquay - External/Internal Painting and Repairs Project
Buyer : westward housing group
Providing external maintenance and repairs to scheme
***Annual Refresh*** - C13 Internal Painting Prog 22-24 - West Farm Avenue Estat ....
Buyer : north tyneside council
Notice of an award of a contract following a mini competition / annual refresh under the framework.
DUD - Internal Painting and Decorating Works - AWARD
Buyer : dudley metropolitan borough council
Dudley MBC invites tenders for internal painting and decorating to Council housing, communal areas of high rise, low rise and warden controlled accommodation and internal social decoration works for eligible tenants. The contract will predominantly d ....
Contract 13 - Framework for Internal Painting & Decorating including Minor Repai ....
Buyer : north tyneside council
The Authority invites suitably experienced providers for the above Framework for skilled service to provide a programmed internal Painting & Decorating including Minor Repairs - Programmed Works 2022-2024. This Framework Contract will ensure availabi ....
Communal Internal Painting Programme
Buyer : Trivallis
Trivallis are seeking to appoint an experienced contractor to work on internal and some external decoration of communal areas in 84 communal blocks and 5 sheltered complexes.The Contractor is required to carry out all preparation works, including rep ....
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