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Buyer : hull university teaching hospitals nhs trust
Midwifery International Recruitment Programme to deliver intensive OSCE training for all internationally recruited midwives. Reducing both the clinical impact on and the financial implications for provider trusts. Costs include items such as staffing ....
NHSEI Nursing International Recruitment Programme Evaluation
Buyer : nhs england
Evaluation of NHSEI Nursing IR programme to measure attrition/ retention rated of nurses recruited with the support of NHSEI funding and map their career development/ progression since joining the NHS. This was run as a quotes process
International Recruitment Programme.
Buyer : The Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
International Recruitment Programme to The Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
NHSEI Nursing International Recruitment Programme Evaluation
Buyer : nhs england
Evaluation of NHSEI Nursing IR programme to measure attrition/ retention rated of nurses recruited with the support of NHSEI funding and map their career development/ progression since joining the NHS To apply for this opportunity please follow this ....
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