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Re-assessment for Arts Council Investors in People (IiP henceforth here)
MCA Investors in People Accreditation
Buyer : MCA - Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Investors in People Accreditation for the MCA.
Investors in People Accreditation (con_23887)
Buyer : department for education
Accreditation for Apprenticeships with Investors in People. Renewal of a previous 3 year subscription.
Assessments required to maintain accreditation
Buyer : city of doncaster council
St Leger Homes Investors In People Assessment and Accreditation; As agreed by SLHD board in 2020 the People Strategy sets the ambition to achieve investors in People accreditation in the life of the strategy which ends in March 2024.
Investors In People - MCA Accreditation
Buyer : mca - maritime and coastguard agency
For the MCA to retain the accreditation to the of Investors in People standard for people management.
Provision of Investors in People Accreditation
Buyer : dvla - driver & vehicle licensing agency
DVLA currently holds the Investors in People (Gold) Standard having last gained accreditation in November 2019. To maintain accreditation, the Agency has to undergo an assessment within three years of our last assessment. The next assessment will be ....
Provision of Investors in People Re-Accreditation for NHS Arden & GEM CSU
Buyer : nhs arden and gem csu
Provision of Investors in People re-accreditation for NHS Arden & GEM CSU.
Investors in People apprenticeship accreditation
Buyer : hs2
A Contract has been awarded to Investors in People (CIC) for the provision of apprenticeship accreditation services, for a period of 3 years, commencing on 25th January 2021.
3 year contract for Investors in People for Academic services, Future Students a ....
Buyer : University Of The West Of England
3 year contract for Investors in People for Academic services, Future Students and Student Services
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